For foreigners looking to acquire Turkish citizenship through investment, there are a few things the first need to know. The proerty in which they are planning to buy must have a real estate worth of at least 400,000 USD. For foreigners whom are looking to apply for Turkish citizenship after the purchase of real estate, they should be aware that they cannot sell this property for 36 months (3 years) after the date of sale. Foreigners may list one name on the tapu (land title deed), however in order for their family members to apply for Turkish citizenship they must be legally married and show their marriage certifcate when applying for citizenship.
1. Turkey allows its citizens to obtain dual-citizenship, meaning that you do not need to give up your rights and citizenship in your current country.
2. Once you have obtained your Turkish citizenship, you may look for a job and apply for jobs within Turkey. You may also vote in the country and run for elected office.
3. Turkish citizens can freely enter over 110 countries; 75 of which are visa-free and the remaining offer a via on arrival.
4. Students, whom have Turkish citizenship, may live and study in Turkey without additonal visa requirements.
5. You may also access the country's healthcare system, as well as benefit from pensions.
© Turkey Realtor Baransel Group.