In order to implement any building project in Turkey, certain permits must be given by the state. At the beginning of these permissions is a regulation that we call the construction license and whose scope is determined by the laws. If a building permit is not obtained before starting a project, the construction work may be stopped while the project is in progress and the project owner is requested to complete the necessary procedures and obtain a permit.
The framework of the building permit is drawn within the articles of the law 'Zoning Law' No. 3194. According to this law, every project owner is required to apply for the necessary building permit before preparing the documents related to the project and starting any construction work. Any construction started without a license is considered illegal.
Applications for building permits are made to the municipalities where the building in question is located. If the relevant project is to be carried out in a region outside the jurisdiction of the municipalities, then the competent authority is the governorships.
Certain documents must be prepared while applying for a building permit. The type and scope of these documents may vary depending on the project. However, in general, the documents requested from the project owners are as follows:
One of the most frequently asked questions regarding the building/construction permit is whether a permit is required for every construction project. The necessary scope on this subject is specified in the Planned Areas Type Zoning Regulation and construction activities that do not require a building permit are explained. In this context; "simple repairs and modifications, folding and folding glass panel applications on balconies, construction of balustrades, pergolas, gazebos/arbours etc, and repair of partition walls, garden walls, wall coverings, chimneys, eaves, roofs and similar elements, and window replacement". There is no obligation to obtain a license.
Solar energy systems and thermal insulation applications made in buildings and designed only to meet the building's own needs are outside the scope of the building permit. However, these projects must be carried out by practitioners with professional competence certificates.
Another curious subject in the construction permit process is how long the permit is issued for, how long is it valid for, and when the construction should start. In this context, it is useful to specify the following important period information about the building permit:
The building permit is not only a legal requirement, but also necessary for the safety, soundness and accuracy of the relevant project. For this reason, every building constructed without a building permit is a legal problem and enters the status of an illegal building.
If it is determined that a building under construction does not have a building permit, the municipality where the building is located may decide to stop the construction works and then demolish the said building. In addition, legal proceedings are initiated against the contractor, the owner and other relevant responsible persons who built the building. These actions may result in fines and/or imprisonment.
If the construction of a building is not started within 2 years at the latest or if the construction works are not completed within 5 years at the latest, the building permit loses its validity. In this case, a new construction permit should be issued for the projects under construction. During this period, municipalities stop construction works.
Unlicensed construction provisions are applied for construction works that are not carried out in accordance with the building permit. For example, if a floor more than the number of floors specified in the license given for a building is built, it may be decided to demolish this floor or to demolish the structures built in this area if the specified surface area is exceeded.
Today, it is much more important than in the past that the building permit is issued in accordance with the laws and the buildings are built in accordance with the specified requirements. As Turkey is located in the earthquake zone, licensing of buildings according to earthquake regulations and other relevant laws has become one of the most important issues for life and property safety. Rules and laws should always be followed closely.